10月31日 超测服快报 雷电线情报一

时间:2015-11-02 00:00 作者:官网 手机订阅 神评论


10月31日 超测服快报 雷电线情报一

  Greetings, pilots!


  We’re back with a new Supertest Digest. Today’s issue will be covering the things we’ve been busy with for the last two weeks.


  We have started working on balancing the new aircraft branch that will be arriving in an upcoming update — the USA multirole fighters. This branch has the general title of ‘Thunderbolts’.

  我们开始平衡将在下个版本与大家见面的美系陆航多用途线 - 它将由很多型号的"雷电"组成。

  Historically, the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was designed as a bomber escort fighter for the Western Front in WWII.

  历史上,二战中的P-47 雷电 被设计为在西线为轰炸机护航的一种战斗机。

  The P-51 Mustang eventually took over this role as it was more suitable for the purpose, so the P-47 was adapted for other tasks. The Thunderbolt gained fame as the most powerful and actively used American fighter-bomber used extensively for targeting ground installations.


  Its excellent - phenomenal for a fighter - survivability, heavy machinegun battery and very effective arsenal of outboard armament compensated for a lack of onboard cannons. Since the Allied air forces did not have specifically designed attack aircraft at the time, this task fell to the P-47.


  When designing this branch the development team aimed at creating machines that would be equally effective both at high altitudes as fighters and close to the ground as attack aircraft. These features would create a new gameplay style that would suit the hybrid, multirole fighter class perfectly.

  在设计这条线的时候,我们想让他们既能有轻战的高度,又能想扫地机一样舔地。这将带来一种全新的游戏体验 - 非常适合这些混血儿。

  The Supertest participants evaluated the first part of the branch and gave us their opinions on the new warbirds so that the developers could get some early feedback and see if the new aircraft fit their initial idea. The first test iteration included 5 machines — the P-26, P-35, P-43, P-44 and P-47B.

  超测服的成员们评测了这条线的前半部分,并且向我们反馈了他们对于这些新飞机的看法,让我们能够检验他们是否符合设计初衷。这条线的前半部分包含5架飞机 - P-26 P-35 P-43 P-44 P-47B。

  Below are some examples of Supertesters’ feedback after their first look at the Thunderbolts.



“It was a bit of a surprise for me to see an aircraft of this tier that works well and is exciting to play using vertical maneuvers”


  “As far as I remember it is the first Tier II machine to have flaps”




“Pros: good maneuverability, decent armament damage, sufficient HP count”


  “The aircraft loses a lot of speed when maneuvering that will make it easy prey after a couple of turns”

  "大神: 机动不错,火力够用 ,大血牛"



“As long as you have someone in support — this machine is capable of bringing in kills and assists”

  “Structural durability lets you make some mistakes, but not for long.”

  "只要你有队友 - 这架飞机就很容易刷击杀和助攻"

  "血量充足!所以你可以浪一把 - 但不能浪太久"


“In my opinion this aircraft fits ideally between this Tier’s heavy and multirole fighters. Feels like it can put strain on high altitude fighters when it reaches its altitude echelon, and it’s effective when fighting low-flying targets.”


  “This machine is quite difficult to fly”.




  “It climbs quite high, has good speed, 8 machineguns deal significant damage”.

  “This aircraft withstands damage even from cannons. This compensates a bit for less dynamic stats.”



  Of course, it is way too early to tell how exactly these warplanes will look after all the testing iterations. Experience shows that their characteristics will undergo significant changes during all the evaluation phases. Sometimes the opposite also happens and they might not see any changes at all. In the meantime we’re starting to test the second part of the branch and are eager to see feedback on top-tier machines. After that the developers will analyze all the opinions and statistical data and assess how the new branch fits the design role for it.


  In other news, we have started testing the 1.9.1 update. The main emphasis in testing sessions is on new daily missions, improvements to the behavior of bots, tuning the matchmaking system and adjustments to the economy. The Supertesters have received the first build of this update and we’re expecting feedback and reports shortly.


  That’s all for today. See you soon!







魔兽争霸世界冠军 INFI(王诩文)、新浪游戏主持人钟旖VC、锦州博爱JZBA的**、纳兰、弟弟我来了、羊驼,以及职业队员孙悦纷纷送来祝福。[详情]


英文名称:World of Warplanes