When World of Warplanes Update 1.6 comes online this month you will see significant gameplay changes, one of the biggest being a change in aircraft classes.
Currently we have 3 aircraft classes in the game – Fighters, Heavy Fighters and Attack Aircraft. With Update 1.6 we’re adding another one – Multirole Fighters. What are they? Well, to understand this, let’s first take a look at the evolution of World of Warplanes gameplay in the latest patches.
Since Update 1.5, ground targets have become a significantly more important gameplay element that affects chances of winning the battle much more than before. That’s why aircraft capable of attacking and destroying them effectively have become much more valuable as well. On the other hand, the lightly-armoured and armed fighters are not suitable for ground attack and suffer losses when trying to do so. Moreover, outboard rockets, bombs or high-calibre cannons that enable this kind of gameplay have started to affect speed and manoeuvrability characteristics quite negatively. As a result, heavily armed fighters are now more vulnerable in dogfights.
For this reason, with Update 1.6, we’ll divide the Fighters into 2 classes.
The first one will be the regular Fighters – fast, nimble aircraft strictly specialised in dogfighting. Their task will be to gain air superiority by destroying enemy aircraft using their superior flight characteristics. To increase their effectiveness in a dogfight, we will remove all the outboard and high-calibre armament from these aircraft’s module trees.
The second, new class will be Multirole Fighters. Historically these aircraft were universal machines, capable of both establishing air superiority and carrying out powerful strikes on ground targets and enemy fleets. As a drawback of such versatility, these models have somewhat more limited flight characteristics in comparison to specialised aircraft.
Multirole Fighters required high survivability and powerful armaments which led to higher weight and, as a result, lower speed and manoeuvrability. On the other hand, their armour still can’t be compared to that of Attack Aircraft so enemy anti-aircraft fire still poses a big threat to Multirole Fighters.
Still, their ability to influence the battle both in the air and on the ground gives multirole fighter-pilots an exceptionally versatile weapon. Their manoeuvrability is not that far off from traditional Fighters and still significantly higher than what Heavy Fighters can achieve, so they have great chances in dogfights. However, to compensate for the still more limited flight characteristics, they have higher survivability, higher speed and powerful armament that enable them to carry out lightning strikes on ground targets and withstand more damage from enemies.
To illustrate this, let’s take a look at a classic Multirole Fighter and its differences from a regular air superiority fighter. Take the Tier VII F4U-4 Corsair and Yak-3 for example.
The Yakovlev Yak-3 was created as a manoeuvrable machine capable of outperforming enemy aircraft in dogfights. This approach meant that the designers were forced to refrain from using the most powerful weapons available at the time on it and also limit its fuel load quite substantially. The Yak-3 airframe was created as light as possible to save weight and gain more speed and manoeuvrability. As a result, the plane was very effective against enemy aircraft but also very vulnerable. Its armament could not be used against fortified ground targets. The Yak-3 is therefore a pure Fighter with only one role: dogfighting.

On the other hand, as the Chance-Vought F4U Corsair series evolved, it received more and more capabilities to attack ground and surface targets. Its strong airframe and powerful engine allowed the design team to improve its armament without having to sacrifice flight performance significantly. Its high survivability quite often allowed the pilots to bring even the most heavily damaged, literally riddled-with-bullets machines back to base. This made of it a formidable warbird that gained a great reputation over the course of the Pacific campaign against Japan.

A class-specific feature of multirole fighters in World of Warplanes will be the ability to install outboard strike armaments (rockets and bombs) and high-calibre cannons without losing too much manoeuvrability. This positions them between traditional and Heavy Fighters in terms of the gameplay that they’re offering – they will become versatile combat aircraft that will be able to affect the battle both on the ground and in the air.
一架典型的通用战斗机通常可以携带炸弹或火箭弹,并装有大口径机炮。同时操纵性不会太弱。这使得它们成为一种处于战斗机和重型战斗机之间的机型。他们可以既可以参与对地攻击,又可以攻击敌方飞机。(这个好像说过了= =|||)
We’d like to note that, additionally, this separation of the Fighter class will allow new players to choose the gameplay style they prefer the most. The nations’ trees will start from Multirole Fighters so that any newcomer will be able to try both dogfighting and ground attack on the first planes they fly. As the player progresses along the research tree, the aircraft will become increasingly more specialised which will give them more advantage at one of the roles in battle.





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